2023 Sharkey's Annual Golf Tournament
Friday, April 7
Sharkey's 2023 Annual Golf Tournament is taking place Friday, April 7th. Benefitting Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys.
Redland Golf & Country Club
24451 Southwest 177th Avenue Homestead, FL 33031
$150 entry includes:
Round of Golf, Range Balls, Cart, Beverages, Lunch, Awards Ceremony, Door Prize Entries, and more!
Longest Drive Contest (Men’s & Women’s Division)
Closest to the Pin
Gathering starts at 9am, with a 10am shotgun start.
Awards Ceremony & After party location:
Sharkey’s Sharkbite Grill
522 Caribbean Dr, Key Largo, FL 33037
Thanks to our Major Sponsors: Upper Keys Marine Construction, Empress Gin, Coastal Realty, Dulce Vida Organic Tequila, Price Automotive, and Sharkey's!